How to choose a website platform

The first thing I did when I started Fulwiler Media was build a website. But before I could do that, I had to pick a website platform.

A website platform, which is technically called a content management system (CMS), makes it easy to build a website using drag-and-drop templates. You’ll hear it referred to as a “no code” tool, meaning you don’t need to know how to code to use it.

The most common platforms are WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix, but they aren’t the only options. I’m hearing a lot of good things about Webflow. My friend Daniel Fava of Create My Therapist Website lays it out in this website platform comparison guide.

Once you select a platform, you can build your website yourself or you can hire someone to build it for you. There are also companies like SimplePractice and BrighterVision who offer a subscription service, which I don’t recommend for a variety of reasons, primarily SEO and support.

So what’s the best platform? It depends. Based on experience, I recommend using Squarespace for a simple website or WordPress for a more complex website.

The Therapy Marketer website is built on Squarespace. It was easy to set up and is fairly low maintenance. The Gottman Institute website, which has much more functionality, is built on WordPress. It has more of a learning curve but it’s the best choice for SEO.

If you choose Squarespace, I recommend Hold Space Creative. The founder, Monica Kovach, is a former therapist who does great work. She sells everything from pre-built templates to custom websites, all on Squarespace. She also has a bunch of free resources on her blog.

If you choose WordPress, I recommend Create My Therapist Website and Private Practice Elevation, both run by Daniel Fava. He’s the best at what he does. He also has a bunch of free resources on his website.

You can always switch platforms later, so test out a few to see which one you like the most. I chose Wix for the Fulwiler Media website because I had a coupon, but after using it, I still prefer Squarespace and will eventually be switching it over.

Finally, if you need to build a landing page or one-page site, I highly recommend Carrd. I used it for the first time to build the Consulting for Therapists page and wish I had discovered it sooner.

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