The biggest marketing challenge right now for therapists
I recently surveyed my audience about their biggest marketing challenge right now.
I was expecting answers like “niching down” or “social media.”
But the most common challenge was “consistency,” which surprised me.
Here’s what therapists said.
“Following through on doing it”
“Marketing consistently”
“Consistency - dealing with the ebbs and flows of private practice (especially the downturns)”
“Consistent marketing that doesn't take too much time (working smarter, not harder)”
“Consistency with marketing”
“Finding time for marketing”
It makes sense. Between scheduling, seeing clients, writing notes, and chasing late payments, it can be difficult to find time for marketing.
It can also be difficult to keep up with. A lot of therapists do a good job of marketing when they first open their practice, but struggle with marketing consistently after they get busy.
Consistency is really about a) prioritization and b) time management.
Let’s start with prioritization. Don’t confuse being busy with being productive. It can feel like you’re”doing marketing” when you’re scrolling on social media, when in reality it’s probably not the best use of your time. Instead, use the impact/effort matrix to prioritize high impact, low effort activities.
One of my favorite time management techniques is putting to-dos on my calendar. Block off 15-30 minutes per day for marketing. If you don’t schedule it, then it’s easy to put it off. For more ideas, try these time-management techniques.
It doesn’t take talent to be consistent. Keep showing up and good things will happen.