How to validate a new business idea
Do you have an idea for a new business, product, or service?
You’ll want to validate it by talking to people. This is called “customer discovery.”
Don’t ask people if it’s a good idea. They’ll lie to you.
“Would you buy it?” or “How much would you pay for it?” also aren't helpful questions.
Instead, ask questions like “How are you dealing with [the problem] right now?” or “Talk me through the last time [the problem] happened?” or “What else have you tried to solve [the problem]?”
These questions pass what Rob Fitzpatrick calls the Mom Test because even your mom can’t lie to you about them.
The Mom Test has three rules.
Talk about their life instead of your idea.
Ask about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions about the future.
Talk less and listen more.
When you ask better questions, you get better answers.